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Mobile Browsing Continues to Rise

Jun 26
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BY Carlos Keeling

Major Benefits Your Company Will Receive From a Responsive Website

Before we get into the benefits you will receive from having a responsive website, we first need to go over the basics of what it is. In short, a Responsive Web Design (RWD) is a website layout and coding which focuses on providing an optimal viewing experience for all of your traffic. This makes your content easy to read and your site even easier to navigate through since there is minimum need to reside, pan or scroll. It automatically fits all screens, from a desktop monitor to a small phone screen. Now, here are the 3 best benefits of having such a responsive design.

You Will Save Time & Money

Websites can now be created for free across the Internet, but that doesn’t mean that the free websites will do justice, and in fact, they don’t. Although responsive websites can cost more than a boring, plain and conventional one, you are actually saving a significant amount of time and money in the long run. For example, you don’t have to pay to have your website platform changed for desktop viewing, tablets, iPhones etc. It is all included in that one price, so you’re actually cutting the total development cost drastically. In essence, with the purchase of one version, you get all versions.

Ultimate User Experience

If your audience isn’t enjoying their experience on your website, not only are they likely to never come back but they probably won’t recommend your business to their friends and family either. Instantly, your potential and clients are slashed. However, a Responsive Design website strives for a complete user friendly website. Since your website is easy to view and use when designed with a RWD, regardless of whether it is being viewed on a desktop, laptop, tablet or phone, the optimal user experience is achieved. If they want to find your information on their iPhone now and maybe on their Smart TV in a couple of hours, they can and with a breeze.

Device Agnostic

This is a huge benefit and necessity for any high quality website. Responsive Websites are the epitome platforms for all devices and operating systems. They ensure that nothing other than the best and most consistent of experiences are had with your website and with that, you will see a huge increase in customer loyalty and audience as a whole. In addition, you have the ability to show your content differently with each operative system and device design. For example; short and precise sentences with lots of images for mobile browsing and larger paragraphs for desktop viewing.

Many companies don’t even bother to build a mobile or tablet version of their desktop platformed website, and as a result, they lose huge potential. Don’t be that company. Your audience and/or customers want to be able to view your content on your website regardless of the way in which they choose to do so. With so many devices offering Internet services in today’s society, it is imperative to have a website version for all, and a Responsive Design does just that for you, all at one total cost.